Monday, May 21, 2007

Aromatherapy Bath

Aromatherapy bath. Aromatherapy also advocates practices of taking bath using one of those exotic essential oils; for many of us, a hot and relaxing bath is both a way to calm down tired bodies and relieve stress. Further more, a few moments to think, ponder, contemplate and meditate can create wonders for the mind and body.

A hot bath with one of your favorite oils adds a new experience to your life, which is otherwise straining and equally boring. Essential oils also called “oil of life”, is soothing and refreshing, when added to your bath tub. Thus, these oils compel us to think over using them at least once a day to feel invigorated. Using the bath as an innovative way of administering Aromatherapy is one of the best for numerous reasons.

Your entire dull skin gets a layer of pure essential oils. The misty vapors rising from the hot water enters your olfactory system and lungs. Your mind will be clear and calm, allowing you to concentrate on yourself and the essential oil treatment. It means essential oils bring a celestial experience to your bath room. The hot bath now makes you, in fact, makes you sweat and tired added with a treatment of oils.

Mandatory sleep or renewed vigor will soon follow such a refreshing treatment. Apart from these soothing effects, you can even adjust the level of essential oils to treat some of your skin conditions like acne and scabies.

Another advantage of using aromatic oil is relieving your nervous conditions by making your mental constitution stronger and calmer. Some essential oils are known to be very romantic in nature; few drops your favorite oil will help you and your spouse to relax allowing passionate moments to overflow. It can also simply be used to aid in your enjoyment of your bath, to feel the balminess of flowing water.

Using essential oils in the bath is as simple as adding 10 drops just before you enter the tub. You can add, perhaps, lavender or Rose oils or intricately add concocted bath oil containing a number of oils. It is purely personal and you can choose your favorite oil. Floral oils like jasmine or rose oils, usually make perfect bath concoctions, but one can feel free to use a particular oil or blend for conditions they wish to help.

The good effects of aromatherapy bath directly seeps in to respiratory, skin and nervous system to reduce problems. It is also discovered that joint problems and muscle pain can also be greatly helped.

Though soaps and candles containing real, pure aromatic oils can be beneficial too, nothing compares the advantage of direct contact of essential oils with the bath water. You must note its high volatility and instability, so it is prudent, when using them in the bath and add those drops just before you are ready to enter.

You must also trap all those steam vapors by making sure that you draw close the shower curtains. This single action will make sure you are reaping the benefits of the essential oils before they evaporate with the hot steam.

Any bath oils containing extracts of Vitamin E, when added to your favorite aromatic oil, can help the essential oil to linger on the surface of the water faster and usually can be placed under hot running water.

If you want to create a lively bubble bath setting or special bath, add a bit of dried milk, a bit of good quality hand soap and fresh rose petals plus your oil. Women will find bathing in rosemary water to be particularly beneficial after a stressful day and/or PMS symptoms. Men can use a pungent orange or ylang-ylang, especially in the morning to get them started for a day of work.

Aromatherapy oils and their usage are gaining lots of popularity among beauty conscious people of the world; many personal care industries are using more essential oils in their bathing products, than ever before.

Angelica Essential Oil

Angelica essential oil is extracted from the plant Angelica archangelica (A. officinalis) from the Umbelliferae family and it is sweet herbal smelling oil that has a spicy undertone and is also known as European Angelica.

Oil properties: The oil is of medium viscosity, and is extracted from the rhizome, the seeds and the herb itself.

Origin of angelica oil: The plant is said to originate from Africa and was introduced to Europe in the 16th century. It is considered a native plant of northern and eastern Europe as well as parts of Asia and the Soviet Union. It is found in Scotland, Holland, Lapland and Germany.

It is called Angelica, since it normally flowers on the 8th May, which is St Michael the Archangel's Day, and for this reason it is often planted in monasteries and is referred to as "Angel Grass".

This herb is included in the famous Chartreuse and Benedictine liqueur and when the Black Plague swept Europe it was considered an antidote for it, and "Angelica Water" was taken up in a Royal Prescription and published by the College of Physicians when the plague swept London in 1665. It is also used to flavor gin, perfumes, and traditionally candied for cake decoration and confectionery.

It is a rather large, water-loving herb with broad pointed leaves dividing into smaller leaflets and has small white-green flowers. It has a strong aromatic scent and a large rhizome.

Extraction: The oil is extracted from the roots, rhizome and seeds and steam distillation is employed to achieve this.

Chemical composition: The essential oil is composed of various chemical constituents and includes the following: Borneol, Linalool, Bergaptene, Limonene, Phellandrene, Pinene, Sesquiterpenes, Angelic acid, Sitosterol, Phenolic acids, Coumarins and Angelicin.

Precautions: Angelica oil may over stimulate the nervous system and the essential oil extracted from the root can cause photo-toxicity which in turn could cause irritation should the skin be exposed to the sun.

Safety during pregnancy has not been determined and it should also not be used by diabetics.

Therapeutic properties: The therapeutic properties of Angelica oil include the following: an antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, hepatic, stimulant, stomachic, and a general tonic.

Uses: Angelica oil can be used to help in the treatment of the following problems: dull congested skin, irritation, psoriasis, accumulation of toxins, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, water retention, bronchitis, coughs, anemia, anorexia, flatulence, indigestion, fatigue, migraine, nervous tension and stress related disorders.

Summary: This oil is great for giving your constitution a boost by invigorating the lymphatic system and general detoxification of the body. It can also be used to great effect on respiratory ailments and is a great help in stomach related problems including flatulence, dyspepsia, nausea, discomfort and indigestion.

Burners and vaporizers: In vapor therapy Angelica oil can be used to help clear lungs, bronchitis, and pleurisy and ease shortness of breath.

Blended oil and in the bath: Angelica oil can be used in blended massage oil, or in the bath to assist in aiding the lymphatic system, detoxification, digestive problems, helps with colds and flu as well as fighting fungal growths.

Blended in base cream: As a constituent of a blended base cream, Angelica oil can be used to assist with circulation, arthritis, gout, sciatica, migraines, colds and flu as well as helping to encourage the natural production of estrogen and this aids in regulating and easing painful monthly periods.